Happy New Years everybody....A little late but what can I say! I have been busy working 2 jobs, being the Nurse to my husbands wounds (shoulder surgery, and stitches to the leg stump)the mommie, taking car of the MIL and the whole BIT! While doing the cleaning, cooking & taking down the X-mas decor! As my older brother said... "I am a WOMAN hear me ROAR!!! I love you Lyle...:) J will not be back to work for a week or so still, depending on the healing of his leg. Prosthetics and stitches don't go together.
We had fun New Years..... Crazy aunt Suzie, and Tara came over for some Karaoke and Madison joined the party a little bit later. We had a seafood buffet, it was delicious! Savannah had her friend Tex come over and spend the night, she had a great time playing with him. Thanks Ben and Chal for letting Tex come!! He is a Q-T!!
This is stumpie.........healing nicely...dont you think?