Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Fun

She didnt like the EB that much as you can see. She was determind to sit on his lap by herself though!

This year was a busy one, Easter egg hunts everywhere.... The Lovelands festivities this year was at Lyles. It gave us all a chance to see his house. Thanks LD for being the host this year. We had great food and an egg hunt for the kidd-o-s.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Steven Checketts

I just wanted to write a short post about my cousin, Steve Checketts. He passed away suddenly 2 and 1/2 years ago. His daughter just posted a cute little post about her adorable daughter Emily. Please visit her blog to read it, it is very touching, have a kleenex close. Thanks Stef for sharing. I wish I had a picture of him to post on my blog. I have very fond memories of him. I too miss him dearly.