Oh and how could I forget... Sav was in her very 1st performance, she was in the nutcracker! She was a little jester and boy did she have fun! Her mom was worried that come performance time she wouldnt be brave enough to go on stage, but to her amazement, she was great for all 3 performances!! Her dad and I were so proud of her! WAY TO GO OUR LITTLE BALLERINA! Her cousin Sheldon was in it too, he did a great job as well!


What a busy time... I spent a couple Fridays helping POPs with our annual chocolate dipping/candy making. That is always a grand time, learning his techniques I will always treasure. I have always loved to spend time with my POPS!! Those chocolates are always a big hit, thats for sure. On the 19th we had a Poll X-mas party, with hot soup and rolls. Santa even paid us a visit and brought Sav a ballerina barbie, she loved it, of course until she saw Mya's little pet shoppes. The 24th brought the annual Loveland X-mas eve party!! We were all there to join in the fun all 6 of us and spouses. I dont think anyone would miss the annual white elephant exchange and of course we were the lucky ones to get LEGGIT and the white elephant!!!! UGH. Christmas was great fun with little Savvy, she got spoiled as always, but to see the joy on her face was priceless!! Her favorite toys are of course her little pet shops. She will have fun this summer crusing in her barbie Jeep.
JP did have a nice stay in the hospital for a week. The MARSA staph infection came back for a visit in his leg. He started with high high temps and bad swelling in his stump. Finally after 4 days of IV antibiotics he went in for surgery. Because the swelling was still there and he had to have it drained. So again leggit has left us for a while...ugh. He is now doing oxygen treatment everyday for the next 20 days at a wound center. He also wears a pump on the wound to help in the healing as well. Hopefully he will be back to work soon..

New Years.....
I wasnt feel well, so we decided to stick around home. We did go to a motel with Posells, Lovelands and Goodsons for a little swimming and porker. It was for Sav and boy did she love it! She is a little fish and loved the water.
That about sums up our holiday, and one more thing Sav is now a SUNBEAM!! Her 1st day was today. It was a little rough, since I have been with her for 3 yrs in the nursery. She did have a hard time at first, but then I just left her with the teacher screaming and all.... but she was fine after a few minutes.

Last but sure not least.....I found out that we are expecting again and couldn't be HAPPIER about it!! I am due the 1st week in July. I have had 2 ultrasounds so far and baby is doing just great! Sav is excited to be a BIG sister. We told our families on Thanksgiving. Sav wore a shirt that said "BIG NEWS" "I AM GOING TO BE A BIG SISTER" Everyone is thrilled for us! Morning sickness is still not fun and nausea seems to last a good part of the day. But if that means a healthy baby, then I am all for it!