as I reflect back on this week almost 3 yrs ago, there are a lot of things that i want to write down before I forget. I went to see my ob on a Monday and he told me that he would like to start me the next day and I was like "no, i have a baby shower on thurs" He told me that the sooner the better to get this little gal out, because the fluid around her was getting low and my blood pressure was getting a little high. So when i went to work the next day, I told them we needed to move the baby shower to Wed, because I was going to be a MOM on Thurs, so sure enough, the baby shower was moved to Wed and little miss Savannah was born on Thursday Sept 28th..... I labored all night long and pushed for a good 2 hrs, before she finally came at about 9:30am, weighing in at 7lbs 6oz. Perfect little thing, eyes black as charcoal and no eyelashes...but cute cute non the less. She was perfect! Johnny was the only one in the room and he was very very sick, so he wasn't having fun. I was so very excited to finally meet her, that I was in a little bit of shock and couldn't believe that I was finally a mom. What a great great experience.
She will be turning 3 in just a few days, and boy is she the light of my life! We have had a great summer with her. Potty training, camping, zoo, pool, water slides. We have been busy, but it has been so fun. She is talking in sentences and even telling her mom and dad "time out, time out" when we argue, it is funny how much and what she learns so quickly. She is truly a blessing to us. We Love you Savannah! Happy Birthday! We will be getting you a littlest sha pops and a green ball that you want!