Sunday, February 22, 2009

We have had a bit of set back

Shoot I had this all typed about and I lost it somewhere in blogland, dang it! Anywho J's leg hit a stopping point and had to be operated on after all, so now he must keep it elevated above his heart, no so it can heal. His cute little Mormon Tab choir singer Dr, seem to think this will be the end to "never closing/healing HOLE" We HOPE as this has been not fun for us at the POLL's.

We also have been having a ton of snow lately so Savy decided she wanted to play in it. After she kept throwing snow back on the sidewalk that I had just finish shoveling I decide to put her in the snow bank...

She continues to sleep with me...ugh, but each morning we must start the day with the song Twinkle Twinkle little star. She is starting to put words together it is fun. The other song she really likes is Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam, so fun to sing that with her. I am soo glad to be her mom!

1 comment:

hannie bailey said...

you are a trooper lana! we need to have another gno and get you out! Savy looks so big and so cute!